Shearwaters and Petrels
This group is diverse and ranges widely in size. A common trait that all members of this family share is that their nostrils are located in a single tube at the top of their bills. Most maneuver well in high winds, and many migrate long distances. Most, but not all, nest in burrows. Those that do nest in burrows visit them only at night. The well-developed sense of smell of the shearwaters may help them find their burrows in the dark.
Species Found In Washington
Northern FulmarFulmarus glacialis
Murphy's PetrelPterodroma ultima
Mottled PetrelPterodroma inexpectata
Cook's PetrelPterodroma cookii
Pink-footed ShearwaterPuffinus creatopus
Flesh-footed ShearwaterPuffinus carneipes
Greater ShearwaterPuffinus gravis
Wedge-tailed ShearwaterPuffinus pacificus
Buller's ShearwaterPuffinus bulleri
Sooty ShearwaterPuffinus griseus
Short-tailed ShearwaterPuffinus tenuirostris
Manx ShearwaterPuffinus puffinus